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Understand, Educate, and Heal: Renate Frydman, Ph.D., and the Dayton Holocaust Resource Center

Renate Frydman, Ph.D. will present her own story of fleeing Germany just days before Kristallnacht, and how it has shaped her lifelong focus on educating students about the Holocaust, genocide, racism, and bullying. Dr. Frydman is the curator and docent for the Holocaust Exhibit: Prejudice & Memory on permanent display at the Museum of the U.S Air Force in Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Frydman is also the founder and director of the Dayton Holocaust Resource Center, whose collection is housed in the Charles and Renate Frydman Educational Resource Center at Wright State University's Dunbar Library.

Registration to the Livestream is recommended, but not required.

Related LibGuide: Dayton Holocaust Resource Center by Beth Anderson

Thursday, October 20, 2022
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Dunbar Library
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Beth Anderson
Beth Anderson

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